Monday, December 18, 2006

Canada Tops in Blog Readership

Steve Rubel points to a new study by Comscore Media Metrix which measures blog readership by country, and remarkably, Canadian online readers came out on top at close to 60%! Here's the first bullet from their summary:
  • "Among the eight countries examined in the study, Canada saw the highest penetration of visitors to blogs, with 58 percent of all internet users visiting the category in October 2006. Half (51 percent) of all internet users in Spain also visited blogs."

This makes total sense to me. Canada is a physically large country with a population that has to work at keeping in touch. The Internet historically has made it easier for us to communicate, and new web-techs like blogs are simply the next logical step to exchanging ideas online.

The other big finding was the European adoption rate (Spain: 51%, France & UK: 45%). Again, no surprise. When my we launched our Trademark blog earlier this year, readership from across the pond was as good as here in North America (still is). Despite the fact that most of the top law bloggers originate from within the US, blog readers really are international.

Looks like the influx of euro-law bloggers we saw in 2006 may just become a phenomenon in 2007!


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